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We meet Jesus Christ in prayer and praise. Sunday morning is the central time of our life together as a church. In worship we celebrate what God has done for us in Jesus, we offer prayer for our own needs and the needs of the world, and we are instructed in God’s Word. While Sunday is primary, worship happens throughout the week, at youth gatherings, at Home Fellowship Groups, in personal devotion, and in special services.


We meet each other in the Body of Christ. We are not “Lone Ranger” Christians. We acknowledge our need for encouragement and support found through the community God calls the “Church.” This community is expressed through mutual prayer, in tangible caring, and by the simple fun of being together.


We meet the Truth in the Word of Christ. Sermons in worship, Christian formation classes for all ages, youth gatherings, home study groups, and individual Bible study all lead us deeper into the Bible and a growing relationship with Jesus Christ which captures both our minds and our hearts.


We meet our world with the love of Christ. We believe we have something worth sharing. God calls us to reach out in mission both to our local area and to the world. We invite and witness to our friends and neighbors, serve the needy, and pray for those who do not know Christ. Part of our monetary gifts support foreign missions and a number of Valley Covenant folk have given their lives to mission service.