Wednesday, March 5th – Ash Wednesday service – 7pm
Sunday, April 13th – Palm Sunday – 10:30am
Thursday, April 17th – Maundy Thursday service – 7pm
Friday, April 18th – Good Friday Tenebrae service – 7pm
Sunday, April 20th – Resurrection (Easter) Sunday – 10:30am – Resurrection service, followed by egg hunt for children. (no early service)
Sunday School
Apostles’ Creed
A video-based series based on Dr. Ben Myers’ book on the Apostles’ Creed.
- IN PERSON: 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.
- ONLINE: Livestream at 10:30 am – CLICK HERE

Our music is an intentional blend of contemporary and traditional worship hymns and songs. We have several talented pianists, vocalists and other musicians and always welcome new participation on our worship team, in Valley Covenant Singers, and for music on special occasions like Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.

We foster the formation of Christian life and practice through the weekly teaching of God’s Word, weekly gatherings of fellowship and prayer, and special events to learn and grow in faith.

Worship is the central activity of our church. Holy Communion is celebrated weekly at the early service and on the first Sunday of each month at the later service.
Recent Sermons
- The centrality of the Word of God.
- The necessity of the new birth.
- A commitment to the whole mission of the Church.
- The Church as a fellowship of believers.
- A conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit.
- The reality of freedom in Christ.
We are a family walking with Jesus seeking the Kingdom of God in the valley and the world
Contact Us
3636 W. 18th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Office Hours: FRI: 9:30 – 2:30
(541) 345-0055
© 2022 VCC